
My First Experience Entering the Peat Swamp Forest of Hutan Desa Padu Banjar

By Mahendra, Bentangor Office Assistant/Guard My name is Mahendra and I am the Office Assistant and Security Guard at the Bentangor Environmental Education Center. My daily activities involve maintaining the facility and security of Bentangor, located in Pampang Harapan Village, Sukadana District, Kayong Utara Regency. During my time working for Yayasan Palung/GPOCP I have been […]

Celebrating Earth Day 2023

By Petrus Kanisius, Environmental Education Officer & Communications Coordinator To commemorate Earth Day this year, Yayasan Palung/GPOCP carried out a series of activities throughout Ketapang and Kayong Utara regencies in the time leading up to the holiday, which occurred on April 22. This year was a little bit different, because Earth Day coincided with the […]

Following Orangutans in a Secondary Forest Area

By Sabta Pelari, Rangkong Research Coordinator My name is Sabta and I now work as the Rangkong Research Coordinator for the Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program (Yayasan Palung). Before I started in this role in January, I served as a Field Research Assistant for seven years. Now, I stay at the new Rangkong camp throughout […]