Leadership & Administration

Edi Rahman
Field Director
Edi has been with GPOCP/YP almost since the start and has seen all the changes and successes throughout the years. Edi has a degree in Political Science from Tanjungpura University in Pontianak. Edi also serves as the Customary Forest Manager. Through this program highbiodiversity value forests are identified and legally protected for local communities to manage and use responsibly. This model is a relatively new national conservation strategy but through follow up monitoring and capacity building is proven more than successful. Our Customary Forest Management groups (local villagers who take the responsibility to care for the forest and its inhabitants) received regular capacity building within everything from biodiversity surveying and report making, to agro-forestry and packaging products for sale for a sustainable livelihood. Edi loves to watch films and his favorite animals are birds.

Natalie Robinson
Program & Development Coordinator
Natalie first began her involvement with the project in 2016, conducting research in the Knott Lab at Boston University as an undergraduate student. From 2018-2019, she spent a year in Borneo, working as a Research Assistant at Cabang Panti Research Station. Now, based in Boston, she works as GPOCP’s Program Coordinator, overseeing both the Conservation and Research teams working on the ground in Indonesia. Over the past 6 years, Natalie has developed a deep passion for understanding and conserving the wild orangutans of Gunung Palung National Park.

Elizabeth Barrow
Applied Conservation Research Director
Beth holds a Bachelor’s degree from Anglia Ruskin University, UK, and has over 9 years of experience in Indonesia at various research and conservation projects. She has worked for the project since 2019 and oversees applied conservation research, implements research protocols, and assures data quality across conservation programs. In 2021, she started working towards a Masters by Research in Primatology and Conservation where she is focusing on an assessment of the use of drones to monitor orangutan populations.

Desi Kurniawati
Human Relations Manager & Customary Forest Legal Coordinator
Desi is another GPOCP/YP veteran and leads the way for complex legal processes that is the Customary Forest application and maintenance procedures, as well as for animal protection and persecution follow up. She has a BA in Law. Desi also leads our Conservation Awareness radio shows and loves working with communities for their sustainable development and empowerment.
Sustainable Livelihoods Team

Ranti Naruri
Sustainable Livelihoods Manager
Ranti, who has a degree in Education, first joined GPOCP/YP as an Environmental Education Field Officer and has delivered over 1,000 puppet shows to school children. She later served as our Field Coordinator, focusing on logistics and implementation of field activities for wildlife conservation. In 2020, Ranti became the Sustainable Livelihoods Manager. She has enjoyed learning about so many different aspects of the organization.

Abdul Samad
Sustainable Livelihoods Field Officer
Samad works primarily with our Non-Timber Forest Product (NTFP) artisan groups to help develop their skills in product making as well as business management and networking. He also monitors and reports on all product production, value and range across all the groups including the aquaculture and organic farming groups.

Sustainable Livelihoods Field Officer
Asbandi works closely with the organic farming groups, recruiting primarily illegal loggers or miners into the groups to help provide alternative and sustainable livelihoods for their families. Asbandi specializes in making organic compost and leads our organic farming demonstration plots in Bentangor, producing seedlings for reforestation efforts and farmer groups to initiate their own plots. In his free time he likes traveling to the mountains.

Salmah Sos
Sustainable Livelihoods Field Assistant
Salmah has an undergradute degree in Sociology and Social Development from Tanjungpura University. She did her thesis work with our Sustainable Livelihoods community groups which is how she first became involved with GPOCP/YP. She was so well liked by the communities and staff that we asked her to work full time to help expand our program. Salmah’s favorite hobby is boxing and she’s won 3 championships representing Kayong Utara Regency.
Animal & Habitat Protection Team

Sulidra Frederik Kurniawan (Erik)
Animal Protection Manager
Erik applies his mapping and surveying skills across all the programs; refining land management issues and identifying conflict areas. Erik also manages the database of our wildlife crime investigations and is one of our GIS specialists. Erik is also highly creative – often creating videos, T-shirt designs and stickers for the Education team!

Hendri Gunawan
Habitat Protection Coordinator
Hendri is one of our Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship alumni, having graduated with a B.A. in law. He works closely with the Customary Forest communities to educate, socialize and disseminate information for full informed participation and advice. Hendri is more than enthusiastic and great at winning over even the most skeptic of villagers with well explained legal facts.

Gunawan Wibisono
Staff Botanist & Survey Coordinator

Robi Kasianus
Customary Forest Assistant Field Officer
Robi comes from the Bengkayang Regency and studied forestry at Tanjungpura University. He started working at GPOCP/Yayasan Palung in February 2022. He assists Customary Forest Management Boards (LPHD) to carry out protection and monitoring activities throughout the Simpang Hillir sub-district. Prior to working at GPOCP/YP, Robi was a field assistant at the Cabang Panti Research Station in GPNP, conducting censuses of vertebrates and tree phenology for 14 months. He loves to play soccer and his favorite animals are turtles.

Sidiq Nurhasan
Field Investigator

Elis Suryaningsih
Customary Forest Business Group Coordinator
Environmental Education & Conservation Awareness Team

Widiya Octa Selfiany
Environmental Education & Conservation Awareness Manager

Simon Tampubolon
Environmental Education Coordinator
Simon is the Environmental Education Coordinator and is based at our Bentangor Environmental Education Center, focusing his work within the Kayong Utara Regency. He likes giving educational lectures and accompanying children and teens in the Bentangor Kids Club and the REBONK Volunteer Youth Group. Simon has a BS in Chemistry and in his free time loves photography, traveling and adventure films.

Petrus Kanisius
Environmental Education Communication & Media Officer
Petrus is vital for our conservation outreach; reporting and publishing all our activities and achievements in local and national newspapers, online news platforms as well as in social media. Petrus has a Bachelor’s degree in Scientific Communication and works closely with the Environmental Education team on field activities and events. Petrus is also a citizen reporter and has been invited to co-author a book with other journalists on environmental topics in Indonesia, aiming to publish in 2020.

Haning Pertiwi
Environmental Education Field Officer
Haning has a bachelors degree in education. Her daily work includes visiting schools to deliver environmental education through lectures, puppet shows, and field trips. She is also a team lead for our youth volunteer groups. Haning is a true inspiration for the youth of today and always makes learning fun!

Environmental Education Assistant Field Officer
Riduwan is an alumni of our Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship. He received his bachelors degree in Forestry from Tanjungpura University. Now, Riduwan assists the Kayong Utara Education Team with classroom lectures, field trips, and youth group activities.
Support Staff

Suryandi (Reno)
Operational Coordinator
Before working at GPOCP/YP, Reno was involved in our program through the REBONK Youth Volunteer Group near his home in Kayong Utara Regency. Reno really likes comedy and adventure films and his favorite animals are parrots and squirrels.

Risya Rejita
Finance & Administrative Officer
Risya has served as our Administrator for over 4 years now. She is tenacious and conscientious in her work. Risya loves comedy films and butterflies. She also has a young daughter that loves to frequently visit everyone at the office.

Rudi Hartono
Office Assistant & Security Guard
Rudi has worked at our main office in the town of Ketapang for many years now. During the day, he helps with various tasks around the office to upkeep it, and at night he serves as a security guard. He loves bright colors and action and adventure films. He also really likes cats.

Bentangor Center Office Assistant & Security Guard
Mahendra, or Mahen for short, works at our secondary office, Bentangor, in Pampang Harapan village. He likes historical films and cats.