The Cabang Panti Research station in the heart of Gunung Palung National Park is home to our researchers
Want to learn more about our research program? Check out these facts!
About Cabang Panti
- 2,100: Hectares of land in the research site
- 90,000: Hectares in the Gunung Palung National Park protected area
- 7: Different habitat types represented
- 60: Kilometers of trails used for research
- 2: Research groups (Gunung Palung Orangutan Project, led by Dr. Cheryl Knott, and the One Forest Project, led by Dr. Andrew Marshall)
- 16: Past and present individual research projects
About the Orangutan Project
- 1: Project Director
- 1: Research Director
- 1: Research Manager
- 6: Research assistants
- 2: Lab assistants
- 2: Research assistants
- 7: Counterpart students
- 2: Graduate students
- 2: Cooks
- 1: Camp assistant
- 365: Field days per year
Research Milestones
- 138: Known females (observed over the total lifetime of the Gunung Palung Orangutan Project)
- 87: Known males
- 74: Known infants and juveniles
- 2,500: Approximate population size of orangutans living inside of Gunung Palung National Park
- 151: Known tree genera identified in Cabang Panti
- 52: Individual orangutans followed in 2016
- 285: Total number of orangutan follows in 2016
- 2,967: Total follow hours in 2016