Jungle Jewels: Discovering the Biodiversity of Village Forests   Recently updated !

By Edi Rahman, Field Director From 2014 to the present, Yayasan Palung has assisted multiple villages in managing their Village Forests. These are areas that villagers have traditionally tended to in various ways that they now have legal title to sustainably manage and utilize. We work together with each Village Forest Management Board (LPHD) to […]

A Bittersweet Farewell   Recently updated !

By Sumihadi, Assistant Research Manager I recall the saying, “Experience is the best teacher.” I quite agree with that statement, because I have learned that my own experiences have shaped the flow of my life. For four years I have been part of the Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Project-Yayasan Palung (GPOCP-YP) family as a member […]

A Threat to Village Forests   Recently updated !

By Edi Rahman, Field Director In Simpang Hilir District, there is a Peat Protection Forest (HLG), Sungai Paduan, covering an area of 6,788 hectares which is currently designated as Village Forest for 4 villages – Padu Banjar Village, Pulau Kumbang Village, Pemangkat Village and Nipah Kuning Village. The area is a peat swamp forest which […]

A Lab(or) of Love

By Zoe Albert, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Boston University My experience with primatology began on the other side of the globe in Costa Rica. Even though I was young and inexperienced, a Tulane PhD candidate saw my drive and passion and took a chance on me. The field proved to be challenging both mentally […]

The Intergenerational Expertise of Women Is Integral for Conservation

By Ranti Naruri, Sustainable Livelihoods Manager, and Salmah, Sustainable Livelihoods Field Officer The role of women in the use of natural resources brings a fresh perspective to conservation efforts. Women have a closer relationship with the environment around forested areas in terms of their use of Non-Timber Forest Products. Women have always been involved in […]

Cabang Panti: A Wild but Welcoming Beginning

By Tia Mottram, Volunteer Research Assistant It has forever been a goal of mine to be involved in orangutan conservation. Travelling over 7000 miles from Liverpool, England, I am now lucky enough to call Gunung Palung National Park my current home. My trip to the forest began with a 2 hour car journey to Sukadana. As […]