
Providing “Ecoprint” Training to Incorporate Natural Fabric Dye in Handicrafts

By Ranti Naruri, Sustainable Livelihoods Manager GPOCP/Yayasan Palung supports nine Sustainable Livelihood groups in the Kayong Utara Regency, surrounding Gunung Palung National Park. We motivate people to transition to forest friendly livelihoods, such as creating traditional handicrafts, organic farming and aquaculture. Handicraft artisans use weaving techniques to create tikar mats, baskets, bracelets and more. A newer method […]

Studying Forest Structure and Orangutan Nests

By Seno Wicaksono, Student Researcher My name is Seno Wicaksono. I am a student researcher from Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta, Indonesia. Thanks to support from the Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program/Yayasan Palung, I am conducting research for my senior thesis in Gunung Palung National Park. More precisely, I am conducting research in two areas […]

Back to Gunung Palung

By Cheryl Knott, Executive Director A cacophony of Borneo’s distinctive sounds, from the singing duets of the gibbons to the high-pitched whir of late afternoon cicadas. The damp, earthy smell of the rainforest cycling through its rapid phases of decomposition and regeneration. The light penetrating through the top of the canopy, revealing the soft orange […]

Announcing a New Orangutan Pregnancy

By Ahmad Rizal, Research Manager Hello everyone! Do you still remember the good news that we shared in our May newsletter about the new baby orangutan that we followed? Finding new baby orangutans is one of the most exciting things that can happen at Cabang Panti Research Station (CPRS) and always makes us happy. This month, the […]

Celebrating World Orangutan Day 2022

By Haning Pertiwi, Environmental Education & Conservation Awareness Officer August 19th was World Orangutan Day (WOD)! Last year, in 2021, due to the pandemic, our activities for WOD were carried out in a simple way, and almost all online. But this year, since most daily activities have returned to normal here in West Kalimantan, Yayasan […]

Gunung Palung, Gateway to Dreams

By Tasya Azzahra Priandani, Student Researcher Hello, my name is Tasya Azzahra Priandani. I am an eighth semester student from the Faculty of Biology at the Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta. I am writing this article to share my research experience in Gunung Palung National Park, which has been full of fun and learning. When […]