Conservation team

Taking Action to Prevent Wildfires

By Hendri Gunawan, Hutan Desa Coordinator Fires present an ongoing and serious threat to wild orangutans, and the forests that they inhabit, especially in areas outside the National Park that are close to human habitation. In Simpang Hilir District, North Kayong Regency, and particularly in the Village Forests (Hutan Desa) we work with, there are […]

Yayasan Palung and Village Forest Management Boards (LPHD) Fight Fires

By Robi Kasianus, Village Forest Field Officer From August 2023 to early September 2023, Ketapang Regency and North Kayong Regency experienced a particularly dry period. During the dry season, peatland areas are very vulnerable to fire, and we have seen an increase in the frequency and severity of fires in recent years. These fires, especially in peat […]

Sharing Love for Orangutans for World Orangutan Day

By Petrus Kanisius, Media Coordinator and Environmental Education Officer Every August 19th is World Orangutan Day (WOD) – a day to support and encourage all of us to care about the fate of this highly endangered primate. This year the theme for World Orangutan Day was “Love for Orangutans.” Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program/Yayasan Palung […]

Planting Trees to Commemorate World Environment Day and World Rainforest Day

By Petrus Kanisius, Media Coordinator and Environmental Education Officer This June we commemorated two special days – World Environment Day, celebrated June 5th, and World Rainforest Day, celebrated June 22nd. We commemorated both days simultaneously by planting trees along the road to the tourist destination of Celingcing Mangrove Forest in Suka Baru Village, Benua Kayong […]