My Journey Back to Cabang Panti Research Station

By Ishma Fatiha, Field Laboratory Assistant My name is Ishma Fatiha. Earlier this year I had the opportunity to return to the Cabang Panti Research Station as a Laboratory Assistant for the Gunung Palung Orangutan Project. Previously, I came here for 6 months for my senior thesis research in 2018. The experience I got at […]

The 2021 West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship Recipients

By Petrus Kanisius, Environmental Education and Communications Officer Since 2012 we have partnered with the Orang Utan Republik Foundation to sponsor local students through the West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship (WBOCS). We provide well-deserving, under-privileged students with complete financial aid to attend Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) in the city of Pontianak, the provincial capital of West Kalimantan. Now, […]

Guess Who? Orangutan Genetic Identities Tell Us New Stories

By Amy Scott, PhD The identity of individual orangutans is important to our long-term research as it enables us to track the major milestones of each animal’s life. In particular, it allows us to answer questions about each individual’s developmental trajectory and reproductive history. For instance, because we can identify individuals, we know that Walimah […]

Earth Day 2021

By Petrus Kanisius, Environmental Education and Communications Officer Each year on April 22nd, people from all around the world celebrate Earth Day. This year, on the 51stannual Earth Day, the theme was “Restore our Earth.” Earth Day was first started by an American politician and environmentalist named Gaylord Nelson. In 1969 Nelson saw the detrimental […]

Using Camera Traps to Study Mammals in Gunung Palung

By Rani Ferdianty, Student Researcher Hi! My name is Rani Ferdianty, and I am in my final semester of university at the National University (UNAS) in Jakarta. At UNAS I am studying Biology because I really like animals and the living things around me. Apart from attending classes, I also help to manage two conservation […]

Customary Forests: Biodiversity Hubs and the Last Home for Wildlife

By Erik Sulidra, Animal Protection and Rescue Coordinator As of 2021, GPOCP has established seven customary forests in the Gunung Palung landscape. These seven customary forests can be divided into three areas: First, is the customary forest of Batu Barat Jaya with an area of 454 hectares; Second, is the 6,799-hectare Sungai Paduan protected forest […]