
Fulfilling My Dreams in Borneo

By Tori Bakley, GPOCP Research Assistant My name is Tori Bakley, and I am a recent graduate from Florida State University and the new volunteer research assistant with GPOCP! I have had a special interest in orangutans and the rainforests of Borneo since I first learned about them on the Animal Planet TV channel when […]

Responsible Waste Management Awareness Event for Earth Day

By Petrus Kanisius, GPOCP Communications and Media Officer There are many simple ways to care for the Earth. Cleaning up the litter in Ketapang City Park and the surrounding area, carrying environmental campaign messages, and giving environmental speeches was the least that GPOCP and volunteers could do to commemorate Earth Day 2019. Earth Day 2019 in […]

Back to the Rainforest: A Fruitful Return

By Dr. Erin Kane, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher at Boston University Just a few weeks into the New Year, I packed my bags in New England’s frozen north. I scoured outdoor stores full of ski balaclavas and high performance extra-thick wool socks to find the remnant’s of last year’s mosquito nets and lightweight shirts. I pulled […]

Conserving Forests using Honey Bees

By Edi Rahman, GPOCP Customary Forest Manager One of GPOCP’s program areas is creating Customary Forests, also known as Community Forests. These are forest areas legally owned by local communities thus preventing monoculture crops and mining companies from encroaching on these lands. In order to ensure success and sustainability of these Customary Forests, GPOCP works […]

Mast in Gunung Palung

By Dr. Alys Granados, PhD, GPOCP Research Manager    A massive fruiting event is currently underway at Gunung Palung National Park. Gunung Palung is dominated by dipterocarp trees which only produce fruit every 2-10 years. At Cabang Panti, flowering began in August with peak fruiting through November and December. These massive fruiting episodes are known as masting events and are […]