
Biodiversity Flourishes in Customary Forests

By Syahik ‘Bani’ Nurbani, GPOCP Survey Coordinator   As you may recall, a few years ago we began conducting biodiversity surveys in our Customary Forests. This area represents nearly 7,500 hectares made up of five villages that are now legally protected from palm oil, mining and other destructive acts. GPOCP helped secure this land from […]

Life as a Botanical Assistant

By Rinta Islami, GPOCP Botanical Assistant   Maybe some of you are familiar with Gunung Palung National Park (GPNP). It is located here in West Kalimantan, in the regencies of Ketapang and Kayong Utara. GPNP is one of the last primary rainforests in the world and is home to millions of plants and animals, including […]

Earth Day Every Day!

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director We hope everyone was able to go out and celebrate our beautiful Planet Earth on Earth Day. We were quite busy here in Indonesia celebrating as well. But this got me thinking… how did Earth Day come about? I decided to do some digging and found out that it […]

Orangutans and Their Games

By Dr. Erin Kane, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Boston University and GPOCP   Imagine, if you will, that you have traveled halfway around the world with the intention of studying a large, mostly solitary, primate. You have prepared for this moment for years, and there you are, finally, in the Bornean rainforest. You plot out your path […]

We Moved… And Other Exciting Activities

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director   Once again, we have had a busy month full of energy and excitement here in West Kalimantan. Our biggest news is that we moved offices! After six years at our previous location it was deemed time to move. I am happy to report that while I was somewhat […]

From Diana Monkeys to Orangutans

By Dr. Erin Kane, GPOCP Post-Doc Researcher   When I sat down on the third of five planes taking me from Boston to the Bornean rainforest, the lady sitting next to me smiled and started making small talk. “I’m visiting family in Jakarta! And what brings you to Indonesia?” I gave her the short and […]