Conservation team

Eco-Tourism in Gunung Palung

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director Recently, I was invited along with Natalie Robinson, our new Research Assistant, and Wahyu Susanto, our Research Director, by Pak Ari, the Gunung Palung National Park head, to join a river tubing trip at Riam Berkinjil near the village of Laman Satong in Gunung Palung National Park. The day was […]

Teachers Making an Impact

By Haning Pertiwi, GPOCP Environmental Education Assistant Field Officer With the theme, “Love the Earth through Education,” GPOCP coordinated with the Ketapang Education Department and the Ketapang Office of Environment to host a two-day workshop for more than 60 teachers from 30 different schools throughout the regency. The head of the Education Department, Dr. Jahilin, opened […]

Green Paradise

By Hendri Gunawan, GPOCP Environmental Education Field Officer I was born and raised in Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. This region is also known as the lungs of the world because of our healthy forests! As a native, I am very proud of these beautiful landscapes, one of which is Gunung Palung National Park […]

Let’s Cultivate Fish!

By Petrus Kanisius, GPOCP Environmental Education Communication Officer The goal of our Sustainable Livelihoods program is to work with individuals who may be causing harm to the environment through illegal logging or land clearing, and help them find a different way to provide for their families. With a mutual commitment, GPOCP and these local villagers […]

From Puppets to Environmental Education

By Ranti Naruri, GPOCP Environmental Education Officer My name is Ranti Naruri, and I come from a family of five children here in Ketapang, West Kalimantan. For the past 10 years, I have worked at GPOCP and dedicated myself to the conservation of orangutans and their rainforest habitat in Ketapang and Kayong Utara. My career […]

Biodiversity Flourishes in Customary Forests

By Syahik ‘Bani’ Nurbani, GPOCP Survey Coordinator   As you may recall, a few years ago we began conducting biodiversity surveys in our Customary Forests. This area represents nearly 7,500 hectares made up of five villages that are now legally protected from palm oil, mining and other destructive acts. GPOCP helped secure this land from […]