Conservation team

Earth Day Every Day!

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director We hope everyone was able to go out and celebrate our beautiful Planet Earth on Earth Day. We were quite busy here in Indonesia celebrating as well. But this got me thinking… how did Earth Day come about? I decided to do some digging and found out that it […]

We Moved… And Other Exciting Activities

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director   Once again, we have had a busy month full of energy and excitement here in West Kalimantan. Our biggest news is that we moved offices! After six years at our previous location it was deemed time to move. I am happy to report that while I was somewhat […]

Preserving Travel and Culture for Future Generations

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director   We are excited to announce that GPOCP is one of the recipients to receive funds from the Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATCF) whose mission is to conserve resources for the future of travel. This organization supports sustainable adventure tourism which aligns with our mission of creating sustainable communities […]

Inspired by ZACC

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director   The past month has been a whirlwind of excitement. I was able to travel back to the US and spend the holidays with my family and friends and also attend the ZACC Conference (Zoos and Aquariums Committing to Conservation). This conference was initiated to better integrate the conservation […]

Conservationists of the Future

By Terri Breeden, GPOCP Program Director   With the year coming to an end, it also signifies the end of a semester for school children. This month, our Education team spent three days in Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan and the home of Tanjungpura University, known locally as UNTAN. We hosted a workshop for […]

GPOCP Goes to Germany

By Mariamah Achmad, GPOCP Environmental Education Manager I just had the experience of a lifetime! For the past two decades I have been an activist on behalf of the environment and women’s rights and was thrilled to be invited to attend the People’s Climate Summit in Germany. FAMM Indonesia (the Young Indonesian Youth Activist Forum) and […]