Conservation team

A 2021 Recap

By Natalie Robinson, Program Coordinator It’s difficult to believe another year has already come to an end while we are still living in the strange new realities of COVID-19. Though foreign staff members have been back in their home countries since March 2020, we’ve been fortunate to keep busy at GPOCP, and have made great […]

Celebrating Orangutan Caring Week 2021

By Petrus Kanisius, Communications Officer Orangutan Caring Week (OCW) is held every year in November to raise awareness about the critically endangered orangutan. Each year, GPOCP/Yayasan Palung celebrates this week-long event. This year it was held from November 7th to 13th. Specifically, this year’s theme was “Respecting nature to save orangutans, biodiversity & our collective future.” […]

Becoming a Volunteer at Yayasan Palung

By Vanessa Ryan Hadi My name is Vanessa Ryan Hadi. I come from the city of Cibubur in Jakarta, Indonesia. In September 2021, I came to Yayasan Palung to volunteer for three months. I have a desire to learn and continue to gain knowledge, especially related to conservation. This has been my passion since I […]

Encounters with Biodiversity in the Padu Banjar Customary Forest

By Erik Sulidra, Animal Protection and Rescue Manager, and Petrus Kanisius, Communications Officer Every year, Yayasan Palung and Customary Forest Management Boards (LPHD) conduct biodiversity surveys in each Customary Forest. In 2021, the team began first with the Customary Forest of Padu Banjar in Simpang Hillir District, Kayong Utara Regency. This forest alone is about […]

Celebrating World Orangutan Day 2021

By Petrus Kanisius and Riduwan Every year on August 19th we commemorate World Orangutan Day. This day is a reminder for all citizens of the world to save the fate of orangutans and their habitat. This year, World Orangutan Day took the theme “Habitat Restoration, Conserving Orangutans, Care of Civilization”. This year, Yayasan Palung (GPOCP), […]

Devastating Floods and Landslides in Kayong Utara Regency, West Kalimantan

By Petrus Kanisius, Communications Officer With every rainy season that arrives, we are very vulnerable to the potential for flooding and landslides, especially in several areas of the Kayong Utara Regency. This possibility keeps us all vigilant, particularly those who live around the region’s large hills. Though heavy rainfall can be a natural phenomenon, flooding […]