News from the field

My Daily Life at Cabang Panti

By Muhammad Syainullah, GPOCP Laboratory Assistant   To begin, my name is Muhammad Syainullah, but everyone calls me Syai, pronounced Sy. I work at GPOCP, one of the three research projects at Cabang Panti Research Station (CPRS), as a Laboratory Assistant. Gunung Palung National Park is surrounded by many small villages, but only a few know that […]

From the Lab to the Field

By Natalie Robinson, GPOCP Research Assistant   Hello Code Red readers! My name is Natalie Robinson and I am a recent graduate of Boston University (BU), where I studied Biological Anthropology and Mathematics. During my time at BU I had the opportunity to learn and work under the guidance of Dr. Cheryl Knott. This past year I […]

Conflicts, Consortships and Copulations: A Promising Start to my Research Year

By Amy Scott, PhD Candidate, Boston University, and GPOCP Graduate Student Researcher   As a PhD candidate in the Anthropology Department at Boston University, the next phase in my degree is conducting my dissertation research on the orangutans at Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park (GPNP). This is the second time that […]

Party in the Mango Trees

By Cheryl Knott, GPOCP Executive Director   Every once in awhile instead of searching for orangutans, they come to you! To our surprise and delight, this summer one of our older females, Bibi, and her baby, Bayas, included our camp in their circuit of fruiting trees they were visiting.  Imagine being able to watch orangutans while […]

From Malaysia to Indonesia… But Still On Borneo

By Alys Granados, GPOCP Research Manager   An interest in tropical wildlife conservation first brought me to Southeast Asia in 2013, but I couldn’t have guessed that five years later, I would have the privilege to continue working in Borneo. This spring, I joined the Gunung Palung Orangutan Project as Research Manager of the Cabang […]