
Parasite Infection among Orangutans in Gunung Palung

By Natalie Robinson, Research AssistantDuring the past year, as a Research Assistant at Cabang Panti, I took a particular interest in orangutan health, as knowledge of this critically endangered species’ health and disease status can help us to further understand their long-term viability. An important tool in the assessment of wild orangutan health is the […]

From Farmers to Facilitators – Natural Resource Assessment

By Petrus Kanisius, GPOCP Communications & Media Officer  One of our most successful working models for fulfilling long-term conservation goals is our grassroots-to-government approach where we work closely with communities to understand their situation, adapt our approach and involve them as much as possible in all steps of the process. This largely involves capacity building […]

Historical Data Leads to New Discoveries

By Amy Scott, PhD Candidate at University of Boston Our lab investigates how reproductive strategies impact the sociality of orangutans by utilizing long-term behavioral data from the orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park. Because primates tend to be highly social mammals, they are ideal for studying how ecological and social factors impact the size and structure of […]

One Forest Project Field Course

By Simon Tampubolon, GPOCP Environmental Education Field Coordinator Held annually at Cabang Panti Research Station since 2014, One Forest Project, in collaboration with Gunung Palung National Park (GPNP), have just led a fantastic and much beloved field course where they taught applied research design and analysis, field techniques, ecology, and botany. The course is intended […]

Alfred, the Rightful King!

By Muhammad Syainullah, GPOCP Lab Assistant   Hi, my name is Muhammad Syainullah, but I go by Syai. I am a laboratory assistant at the Cabang Panti Research Station, in Gunung Palung National Park. Our project focuses on the behavior and physiology of wild orangutans. One of the orangutans we study is Alfred, or as […]