Conservation team

Assessment of the Governance and Equity of the “Banjar Lestari” Customary Forest, Padu Banjar Village

By Muhammad Isa Earlier this year we were contacted by researchers at IIED who are developing the SAGE methodology for use in protected and conserved areas around the world. The SAGE initiative aims to enable stakeholders to assess the status of governance and equity, plan actions to improve, and monitor progress. The first version of […]

The 2021 West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship Recipients

By Petrus Kanisius, Environmental Education and Communications Officer Since 2012 we have partnered with the Orang Utan Republik Foundation to sponsor local students through the West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship (WBOCS). We provide well-deserving, under-privileged students with complete financial aid to attend Tanjungpura University (UNTAN) in the city of Pontianak, the provincial capital of West Kalimantan. Now, […]

Earth Day 2021

By Petrus Kanisius, Environmental Education and Communications Officer Each year on April 22nd, people from all around the world celebrate Earth Day. This year, on the 51stannual Earth Day, the theme was “Restore our Earth.” Earth Day was first started by an American politician and environmentalist named Gaylord Nelson. In 1969 Nelson saw the detrimental […]

My First Environmental Education Expedition with GPOCP

By Dwi Yandhi Febriyanti, Evironmental Education Manager The blue sky overshadowed the roar of our car as we drove towards the Nanga Tayap District. The next three days, February 9th-11th, would be my first experience as the GPOCP Environmental Education Manager carrying out an expedition to the remote regions of the Ketapang Regency. On this […]

The West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship ‘Balek Kampong’ Project

By Petrus Kanisius, Communications Officer Each year, GPOCP hosts the WBOCS (West Bornean Orangutan Caring Scholarship) Balek Kampong (or, ‘back to the village’) Project, in which WBOCS participants carry out a series of activities throughout the Ketapang and Kayong Utara regencies. This year, events were held in Sandai and Sungai Laur districts, as well as Pasir […]