News from the field

Using Genetics to Determine Orangutan Paternity

By Amy Scott, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Boston University “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan…” I count to myself as I fill tubes with chemicals, occasionally counting in Indonesian to keep my mind active. Since October, […]

Fruitful Orangutan Seed Dispersal

By Andrea Blackburn, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, Boston University Orangutans have powerful jaws and teeth adapted for crushing hard food objects. This selection of traits would suggest orangutans are crushing and eating seeds as a main component of their diet. Based on these observations orangutans have been labelled as ‘seed predators’. However, my research […]

From Forest Lab to First Conference

By Rinta Islami, GPOCP Lab Assistant Indonesia has the third largest number of primates in the world, after Brazil and Madagascar, and it is our responsibility to protect and safeguard this huge biodiversity asset. There are many ways that we can protect the existence of our primates, but we first need to be aware of what […]

Another Chance for Walimah

By Cheryl Knott, Executive DirectorI wake up early, still tired from the 13 km hike into Cabang Panti the day before, but eager to see Walimah and her new baby. It’s been almost four years now since she lost her infant in what we suspect was an infanticidal attack, that also left her severely injured and […]

Parasite Infection among Orangutans in Gunung Palung

By Natalie Robinson, Research AssistantDuring the past year, as a Research Assistant at Cabang Panti, I took a particular interest in orangutan health, as knowledge of this critically endangered species’ health and disease status can help us to further understand their long-term viability. An important tool in the assessment of wild orangutan health is the […]

Historical Data Leads to New Discoveries

By Amy Scott, PhD Candidate at University of Boston Our lab investigates how reproductive strategies impact the sociality of orangutans by utilizing long-term behavioral data from the orangutans in Gunung Palung National Park. Because primates tend to be highly social mammals, they are ideal for studying how ecological and social factors impact the size and structure of […]